Go with the flow
I've been off the rails for a couple of weeks, haven't had the motivation to be able to take hold of things and sit down and actually do them. Do you guys recognize yourself, lying in bed at night and cannot sleep, either beacuse you're thinking of what you should have done but didn't, or what you have to do the next day because you didn't finish it up? I know the feeling too well.
But tonight, after a perfectly nice break after school and some "working" with grandpa, my mom took me to the movies, and after that, I got some weird wind beam and went crazy and did all the stuff at the same time. And that's the thing, ones I get started, it's hard to break up for the night.
So, to get to the point, I found myself doing homework today, and that's a rare vision for the rest in my house. And to be even more surprised, I am still on it and will be for a while.
Good night!
I have had a great weekend! It has almost been so good I can't even retell it. Started out with a girls-night at Natalie's place. Been so long time ago we actually sat down and talked and laughed I can't even remember it. But gosh, it's been years since I laughed that hard, you for a second don't know if you're crying or laughing. Wonderful!
Later on my dad thought it would be fun to have "Christmas tree plundering" at our's. Well, it could have been, if we actually had something to plunder - but we didn't. We had no christmas tree nor any decoration other than a ugly poster. But well, the relatives came over and we had a great chit-chat!
Saturday night was spent at Mr. Valentine's place and I have no words for how amazing that was. No words!

Saturday night.
Gotta love when it's a new year...!(?)
Last night a friend called me and told me she had just written down some of her New Year resolutions. I asked her to read the first one.
"From now on i promise to never eat something unhealthy and go for a workout at least four times a week".
Today i got a text, from the same friend, telling me that she actually talked herself into spending ages on the toilet so that by the time she finished, it would be to dark for her to go jogging.
WTF? I hate these stupid resolutions people put up and hours later feel bad about. Why would you do that? Honestly, this crap makes me sick. Stop taking this so serious and start living a normal life, a life without those weird bans and bars. If you wanna eat a cookie, eat it. If you wanna go jogging, do it. If you don't want to, then don't. How tricky can this possibly be? Do what you wanna do and be happy you have a life you can actually manoeuvre yourself. Gosh!
Well, I hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year.
Last night a friend called me and told me she had just written down some of her New Year resolutions. I asked her to read the first one.
"From now on i promise to never eat something unhealthy and go for a workout at least four times a week".
Today i got a text, from the same friend, telling me that she actually talked herself into spending ages on the toilet so that by the time she finished, it would be to dark for her to go jogging.
WTF? I hate these stupid resolutions people put up and hours later feel bad about. Why would you do that? Honestly, this crap makes me sick. Stop taking this so serious and start living a normal life, a life without those weird bans and boundaries. If you wanna eat a cookie, eat it. If you wanna go jogging, do it. If you don't want to, then don't. How tricky can this possibly be? Do what you wanna do and be happy you have a life you can actually manoeuvre yourself.
We human beings are to good at make our lives complicated. Just don't go there. Gosh!
Well, I hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year. I did. I had a fucking blast.
Let's rock 2012!
I miss the heat
Så, då var det klappat och klart. Om exakt 14 dagar tar jag mitt pickpack och sticker iväg till varmare breddgrader i två veckor. Ska göra Gran Canaria osäker och ladda om.

På Rhodos i slutet av augusti!
Tema USA
Nu ska jag starx hoppa in i bilen och åka till Kungsbacka. Ska hem till Linn och fira hennes 20 årsdag/good bye-party. Hon åker nämligen till USA i fyra år nu i december för att gå på UCLA. Fan, det vill jag också göra. Skit samma, jag får nöja mig med hennes berättelser över skype. Hemma hos henne är det i alla fall tema usa som gäller, och jag har (nästan) gått all-in men satsar på den blåa färgen.. Visste inte riktigt hur jag skulle få in den röda i denna outfitten...
Oj, nu är tiden knapp. Ha en fin lördag <3

Hon kan ta sig i röven
"Det är inte besöks tid nu" är vad man får som ett slag i ansiktet när man försöker vara lite snäll och hälsa på sina fina morfar på sjukan. Både igår och dag har den spydiga kärringen inne på hans avdelning sprungit runt och trackat oss med sin bittehet. Vi försöker snällt berätta att vi får ta oss tid för att komma och hälsa på, det ska passa in i våra scheman också, och om det inte är exakt prick klockan 13 är väl inte hela världen. Jo, enligt bittertanten är det det. Dessutom har han fått rummet med en alkis som ligger och skirker otrevligt med en lite för hög stämma, han har också fått två (!!) tillskott, damer, i samma rum. Sängarna är ordnade så gamlingarna plus alkisen ligger och stirrar på varandra. Damerna ligger utan byxor. Pinsam stämning för morfar, han har hyrt in tv:n till sängen. 30kr per dygn, 100kr för tre dagar. Han glömmer till och med att ta av sig hörlurarna när vi är på besök, och klagar sedan på att han inte hör av man säger. Vad ska man säga?
Livet på sjukan i ett nötskal?
Just smile like a normal fucked up person
Bang på. I morgon är det skola som gäller! Vad har jag gjort för att komma i ordning? -Mestadels sovit mig i form. Har tusen saker jag måste göra för att komma ikapp, men ligger fortfarande lite i den passiva positionen och känner mig rätt lugn. Har bra överblick på vad som gäller så i morgon är det nya tag. Det är dessutom lite nya rutiner som ska införas, bland annat nya tag i bloggningen (mer om det i morgon) och lläggdags innan 22 varje kväll. Den tror jag ska testas redan ikväll, så nu blev det helt plötsligt väldigt stressigt!
God natt
Thursday night

Har mått mycket sämre idag, så jag kan nog inte gå till skolan i morgon heller. Det blir sänghäng i morgon också! Fuck!
Okey, so my day could have started a little bit better than it actually did. I spent the first couple of hours in the emergency room, trying to figure out why I woke up with a face swollen, like it belonged to someone with a weight of 250 pounds. But it didn't, probably an allergic shock somehow broke out and my whole body was covered with some kind of rashes. Anyways, it's gone now and right in the writing moment, i'm sitting in the kitchen having some chocolate and caughting up some of the Gossip Girl episodes I've missed. Love it!
Tomorrow, I'll get up early, even though it's vacation for this week, and have some of my driver's classes. Trying to get my license before Santa's knocking on the door!

A year ago, pumpkincarving for Halloween!
I choose see-through

+ Sovmorgon
+ Shopping och lunch med mamma & morfar
+ "The time" på bio
+ Häng framför filmen 17 again!
Days like this;
Woke up with an awful headache and I'm coughing like hell. I probably got it from mom, who has had since saturday morning. Right now I'm laying in bed, listening to music and going through some pictures. I shouldn't be doing it, makes me very sentimental and emotional. I got home from Germany like three weeks ago, and we had a blast. Days like this I just wanna take the first plane down and see her again. It's really hard to explain the relationship between us, though we lived together for almost a year in very special circumstances and all of a sudden, we're not doing that anymore. Some days it feels empty, even though it was 5 months ago I left Swanville where we were staying, I should have been used to it by now, but I'm not. She was the one I always had around me, for good and bad. She was the one I was sharing bed with, clothes with, sad moments with, happy moments with. We did basically everything together, all the time. And when you're not doing it anymore, and even live that far away from each other, a weird feeling is coming, I can't explain.
While I was in Germany, visiting her, we did our tattoo's together. Like I showed you some weeks ago, it's in my neck, saying: "Not the fruit of experience, but experience itself, is the end". She has the same one, on her right scapula. And that's a symbol for what we went through together. The meaning of it is quite simple but hard to put down into words, but I'll give it a try:
After all, it's not just the fruit (which is a product of something that has been growing) that matters, it's the whole process where you learn something everyday, and that's the experience that matters.

I love you!
What a beautiful day!

Kofta: Tiger of sweden, klänning: marknad på Rhodos, skärp&väska: vintage,
sjal: H&M, stövlar: Hunter
I have marked myself for life

Det vankas Tyskland! I morgon eftermiddag sätter jag mig på planet med destination Frankfurt!
Det blir en helg med härliga människor, god mat, trevliga dagar och galna nätter! Inför helgens bravader, fick dessa två fantastiska ting bli mina.

Veckans kap får definitivt bli denna godingen. Fyndades i en liten vacker vintage-butik till ett ännu vackrare pris. En vit Chanel-väska från 70-talet!

Skorna kommer från Raglady!
Har fullt upp med att leva livet. Bloggen hamnar lätt i skymundan och det blir tyvärr så ett tag framöver!
Om 11 dagar sitter jag på ett plan ner till Tyskland för att träffa Lana, ska bli så kul! fram tills dess, skola, vänner, jobb, träning och party!