What happens in vegas, stays in Vegas!
Las Vegas could be the most crazy place I will ever visit. First, it was almost 100°F (40°C) so I was almost dying. Second, all lights, noice and stuff that surround you all the time drives you nuts. Third, all gambling makes you sick. There is so much money circulating there, you can almost puke. BUt dude, the city is at the same time amazing. For sure the saying "Everything can happen in Vegas" is true. If you ever get a chance to visit it: DO IT!

All the expensive shops

"France" by night

I meet Paula there. I met her in Florida!
Driving into Vegas

We had a five hour drive to do, from Santa Monica to Las Vegas

Drove through the desert

Came to Vegas

Have a hotel room at Planet Hollywood, right infront of the famous fountain bellagio and the Eiffel Tower!
Now: Explore the city of gambling, eat and enjoy!
Last day in Santa Monica, LA

I took a pedicure

We went to Universal Studios...

... and went in and saw King Kong in 360 -3D...

.... and of course took a picture (my Dad likes that)...

... went to a show where they demostrated cool effects...

... saw an animal show with mokeys and famous "star dogs" that have been in different movies. For example Marly and I, Lassie etc...

... went to a cool show with water effects...

... we had to pose outside, by the sign...

... and of course by the spinning Universal Studios Ball...
Buenos Dias
Today's gonna be a good day! I had to change Black Eyed Peas's "tonight's gonna be a good night" song to something that fits into my schedule. My dad and I decided to skip breakfast, take a quick shower and then leave. We're going to Universal Studios today! Yeah!
I promise to bring the camera, take some awesome pictures and put them out here tonight or tomorrow!

My dad and I two days ago, with Santa Monica in the background
Hollywood serie

Are we tourists or are we tourists?
Yesterday the weather was very bad, so we decided to take a trip up to Beverly Hills and LA to see some stars. We didn't see any stars, but some real nice houses though! We walked on the walk of fame street with all these stars. The late afternoon we spent by the pool.

David and Victoira Beckham's house

Madonna's house

The star

I took pic with some real cool guys.

Of course we had to walk on the walk of fame and take a pictures of it

I found the star with Marilyn Monroe

Can u see the sign in the background? If not, it's the Hollywood sign!

We did a very bad job trying to fit both in a picture with the sign behind...

Again, Dad is trying to get a nice pic of us two, but i look like a retard and my dad looks like a stiff stick (or stone is maybe a better word)

The view from the pool: The ocean

When I am on vacation, it's a tradition to eat fries or nachos by the pool. This trip is not an exception!
Next: Los Angeles, Santa Monica
Last days with the camera

Monterey could be one of the coolest place I ever visited! This is the Pebble Beach Golf Course where U.S Open took place 2010!

We went Whale watching - It was amazing

Took a real nice coffee-rest on our way down to Cambria

Last night, in Cambria, on our way to find a restaurant. Isn't it beautiful with the pacific ocean?

I took lobster. This is for sure the best meal I ever had. Awesome!
From Monterey to LA
I'm sorry for the bad update the last two days. Have been at Monterey, at a hotel without internet. Have had an amazing time! I'm leaving in about two hours, heading to LA, Santa Monica, so I'll update with pictures then!
Have a great day and see you in a bit!
Vacation time
There have a bunch of things going on since last time I wrote. Right now, I'm in San Francisco with my dad. Had my last school day last wednesday, left Swanville thursday and took the plane down to California friday. Have spent the last three days here in (cloudy and rainy!) San Francisco and tomorrow we're heading to Monterey. After Monterey, LA, Vegas and New York are waiting before I'm back home in Sweden the 18th of june!
Here are three pics from the last days, as you can see the weather wasn't the best, but we had a lot of fun anyways! To be more specific about the climate here, I would like so quote Mark Twain: "The coldest winter I ever experienced was during summer in San Francisco"!

My dad and I with the Golden Gate bride

Driving at high way 1, right by the coast

I with Alcatraz in the background!