Go with the flow
I've been off the rails for a couple of weeks, haven't had the motivation to be able to take hold of things and sit down and actually do them. Do you guys recognize yourself, lying in bed at night and cannot sleep, either beacuse you're thinking of what you should have done but didn't, or what you have to do the next day because you didn't finish it up? I know the feeling too well.
But tonight, after a perfectly nice break after school and some "working" with grandpa, my mom took me to the movies, and after that, I got some weird wind beam and went crazy and did all the stuff at the same time. And that's the thing, ones I get started, it's hard to break up for the night.
So, to get to the point, I found myself doing homework today, and that's a rare vision for the rest in my house. And to be even more surprised, I am still on it and will be for a while.
Good night!
I have had a great weekend! It has almost been so good I can't even retell it. Started out with a girls-night at Natalie's place. Been so long time ago we actually sat down and talked and laughed I can't even remember it. But gosh, it's been years since I laughed that hard, you for a second don't know if you're crying or laughing. Wonderful!
Later on my dad thought it would be fun to have "Christmas tree plundering" at our's. Well, it could have been, if we actually had something to plunder - but we didn't. We had no christmas tree nor any decoration other than a ugly poster. But well, the relatives came over and we had a great chit-chat!
Saturday night was spent at Mr. Valentine's place and I have no words for how amazing that was. No words!

Saturday night.
Gotta love when it's a new year...!(?)
Last night a friend called me and told me she had just written down some of her New Year resolutions. I asked her to read the first one.
"From now on i promise to never eat something unhealthy and go for a workout at least four times a week".
Today i got a text, from the same friend, telling me that she actually talked herself into spending ages on the toilet so that by the time she finished, it would be to dark for her to go jogging.
WTF? I hate these stupid resolutions people put up and hours later feel bad about. Why would you do that? Honestly, this crap makes me sick. Stop taking this so serious and start living a normal life, a life without those weird bans and bars. If you wanna eat a cookie, eat it. If you wanna go jogging, do it. If you don't want to, then don't. How tricky can this possibly be? Do what you wanna do and be happy you have a life you can actually manoeuvre yourself. Gosh!
Well, I hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year.
Last night a friend called me and told me she had just written down some of her New Year resolutions. I asked her to read the first one.
"From now on i promise to never eat something unhealthy and go for a workout at least four times a week".
Today i got a text, from the same friend, telling me that she actually talked herself into spending ages on the toilet so that by the time she finished, it would be to dark for her to go jogging.
WTF? I hate these stupid resolutions people put up and hours later feel bad about. Why would you do that? Honestly, this crap makes me sick. Stop taking this so serious and start living a normal life, a life without those weird bans and boundaries. If you wanna eat a cookie, eat it. If you wanna go jogging, do it. If you don't want to, then don't. How tricky can this possibly be? Do what you wanna do and be happy you have a life you can actually manoeuvre yourself.
We human beings are to good at make our lives complicated. Just don't go there. Gosh!
Well, I hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year. I did. I had a fucking blast.
Let's rock 2012!