
I'm so happy! Yesterday I got a package from Sweden, a very anticipated one full of swedish chocolate. When my Grandma Sandee called me and said there was a package down at the station, waiting for me, tears rolled down my cheeks. It was so nice to see my dad's handwriting on it and read the christmas card he had written! I don't know, but I never thought a card from my dad could be so appreciate as it was. Haha! I guess I didn't value that kind of things very much before I left, one more thing I have learned since I came here!
Had early pracice today, 8 a.m. Went home a bit after ten and fell asleep until noon when Jay came home and woke me up. Had some lunch with him and later, Lexi and I will go snowmobiling! I'm so excited. It was so cool last time and I want to do it every day. It's awesome!
I guess there's nothing more to tell you guys! Life's goes on here and I like it!
My new sweat pants and sweat shirt from Basketball! Swanville Bulldogs is the shit, you know ;)

Postat av: Anonym

gör en video när du snackar på engelska deet skulle varit kul att lyssna på! ;D

2010-12-28 @ 22:30:02
Postat av: Håkan

Varför ser alla mjukiskläder så mycket mysigare och tjockare ut "överdär" :-(

2010-12-29 @ 19:36:39

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