Day 03 – Your parents
Well, what can I say? You don't choose your own parents! ;)
Hehe, just kidding. I love my parents so much. Like any other kid would say "My parents are the best ones", I can just agree. My parents are the best ones, without hesitation! I don't know if any parents can compare themselves to my ones, that just doesn't work.
My parents got divorced eleven years ago, so I don't really remember them living together under one roof, but that hasn't bothered me one second. I haven't lived in a "happy family with mum, dad and two kids" like other people has done. But I like it that way (what else can I do ;)) and it has made me stronger and maybe more spolied for that matter too. But hey, I need som proceeds too, don't I?
Anyways, my parents has always done everything I asked for, helped me, been there for me and loved me. I have been on amazing trips with both of them (not together though) around the world and through Sweden. They are the ones who knows me the best and I can always count on them, in all situations, everytime. They are the ones who can make me feel like the best girl in the whole world, and they can make me laugh about stupid stuff like no one else could do. But of course, they can also make me cry when we have our fights, because I don't like to see them disappointed and unhappy because of things I have done. But I guess all good and bad stuff we have gone through have made us even more closer than we were before and that's a good thing, I think?

"love is in the air" - dad and mum when they were in my age... kind of!

Dad, granduating!

Mum in her youth age

Dad now...

.. and mum now!
Postat av: Nattis
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