
What's up?
I have been shopping all day together with Lana, Lexi, Derin (Lexi's b-friend), Lasse (another exchange student from Germany who is my hostcousin here) and Heidi.
The morning started with I woke up 10 am, had some pancakes with syrup and fruit. About noon we jumped into the car and headed of with spending $$$$ in our head. We spent the whole day shopping, for our selfs and christmas presents. Lana and me ended up with had spent $1000, which was a little bit more than we thought from the very first begining. Anyways, we had a great day and now we are watching our favourite show ever, GossipGirl. We have been waiting for months to finally see the third season, so today we bought it and I think we will spend at least 3 hours more, watching it!
Good night!
We had to take a paus during all shopping
We had lunch!
Lana was hungry
Our cart is kind of full, we had two of them...
and of course, no shopping without DQ ice-cream!


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