Dan före doppardan!

Tomorrow is it 24th of December, Christmas eve back in Europe and the whole family gets together for celebrating it. I can't find words for how  much I want to be there, in Sweden, with my family tomorrow. I would give my right arm for being there right now, giving my mum and dad a huge hug.
Christmas is a holiday where the nearest and dearest gets together and have a wonderful time. It makes me cry to know that I'm here, in America, a whole sea between them and they're having an amazing, cozy day together, without me, with both Julmust and Christmas ham (which are my two favorites on the Christmas smorgasbord)!
But I think, when Christmas is over and the new years eve has passed, it will be easier. I have a lot of things to look forward to, Florida with Lana in February, Prom, Dad is coming in the end of May, the last day in school (1st of June), two weeks with dad here in America (Visiting LA, Miami, a national park, an island in the west indies and New York), back in sweden, go back to work, celebrate my 18th b-day, start school!
As I said some days before, next year will be awesome, which makes me think a little bit less about being without my family right now. I knew it would be hard to be away from them in ten months, but I had no clue it would be as hard as it is. When I left, I was kind of naive, thinking this would be as easy as hell, but I was so wrong, everyday is a game between my heart and my head, where my heart tells me to go back and my head tells me to stay and bear because this is a dream I have had since I was ten. My God, this is hard!
But I'm a strong girl, I'll skype with both mum, dad, grandpa Olle and his Wife M, my aunt Ingela and my Grandma Ella! That makes it easier.


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