five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

Good night sunshines!
I have to much going around in my head right now, to much to plan for the weekend in Minneapolis, to happy for the two days out of school tomorrow and on friday, which means a four day weekend. Woho! Do you know how I am going to celebrate this? Sleeping! Haha, even if I sleep more then eight hours a night, I'm always tired during schooldays and during the weekends. I don't know why, however, I need to sleep more. An exceptionally way to pass time, enjoy, think, relax and just take it easy!
So, good night people, see you tomorrow, with a lot of updating!
Good night sunshines!
I have to much going around in my head right now, to much to plan for the weekend in Minneapolis, to happy for the two days out of school (tomorrow and on friday), which means a four day weekend. Woho! Do you know how I'm going to celebrate this? Sleeping! Haha, even if I sleep more then eight hours a night, I'm always tired during schooldays and during the weekends. I don't know why, however, I need to sleep more. An exceptionally way to pass time, enjoy, think, relax and just take it easy!
So, good night people, see you tomorrow, with a lot of updating!
Lyssna och njut!


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