I already fell in love with 2011

I had some real problems falling asleep. I have so much stuff going on in my head right now, so I thought it could be fun writing down some big events I'm looking forward to this year (so far, I know there will be thousands of other things popping up) so here we go:
»Florida with Lana the 23 of February
»Prom in the 30 of April
»Dad is coming 31 of May
»School is ending 1 of june
»Dad and I are going for two weeks around the US (California, New York and some more place for skiing.. maybe Aspen)
»HOME in Sweden again
»Summer job
»Greece with all friends
»My 18th B-day
»Going to Germany for visiting Lana during her 18th B-day at the 9th of October
Two random pics on my Bestie and me!
When we both have turned 18 and when I'm in Germany for celebrating her B-day, we are going to make a tattoo on our arms... but hey, that's all I have to say about that for now!
Or okey, two hints: Bird, wrist!!
Good night


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