A sense of humor is a major defense against minor trouble!
Finally, I just took a shower and Abbey texted me.. seems like it's going to be a girl night with movies, chocolate and chitchatting. Lana is of course there to!
Tomorrow is snowmobiling on the schedule =)
Sounds like a pretty awesome weekend after all!!!
This is my cute friend Abbey!
Here and now:
In our bed, with our laptops, both have to take a showe... but we are to lazy... Gross but true!
The inspiration of today
If there's something I have wanted to do since I was a kid, it is to get a tattoo!
Here are some really nice ones...
Good morning everyone!
Last night I slept 12 hours, it was so nice. Lana and I decided to turn of all electronic things like phones, laptops and the alarm clock, turn off all lights in the basement and covered the window with a black blanket so we could sleep how long we wanted without being awaked by something. Didn't work though, by 12, Marly started to bark and both of us woke up! Anyways, 12 hours were at least what I needed. I have been tired and lazy the whole week and to have a sleep in was all I had wished for....
Yesterday night, I had a problem. I couldn't fall asleep. Lana and I talked a lot, about everything and nothing. That made me cry. And I never cry. There are some problems you never thought you had to deal with when you're home in Sweden and are going to the U.S as an exchange student. But there's a lot of things you have to deal with, as you never have had before and it's hard sometimes. I'll talk about it later today, first I have to go through my mail (I have at least 50 mail from people who is wondering about the exchange year and have a lot of questions. So, I'll be right back!
First day of my new schedule and it feels so much better.
This is how my schooldays will look like for this quarter:
- Art
- Study Hall
- Shop
- English
- World Cultures
- Teacher Assistant
- Algebra
I know my blog sucks right now, there's no pictures or anything that makes it funny. I'm sorry, but there's nothing going on right now, and to put some pointless pictures is dumb. I'll update with pics when I've got some!
Good night <3
First day of 2:nd semester, well, what can I say? I'm so unhappy with my new schedule and classes so there is no words for it. I'm gonna change almost all of them! That's all I have to say for now.
I'm off for basket ball game tonight, first do we girls play and then it's the boys turn!
Peace out <3
Mom, dad? (A)
OMG! I could seriously live on noodles for half a year to but this amazing things from Acne!
Shoot me!!!
Lana and I are off to Florida...
... the trip is paid and I'm so happy!
Here we come <3
About 20500 swedish riksdaler!
My cutie
Since we started to watch O.C California, Carter has been spending more and more time downstairs with us. He likes it, I think! It's so funny so hear him talking about all his "Junior High problems" with girls (who to date and not), friends (if you can hang out even though you're not on the same "social level"), Parents (When they mind his business a little bit to much and drive him nuts), School (all homework, tests, teachers etc)! I don't think he talks very much about this with the others in my host family and I think he thinks it's funny to talk about with two 17 years old, foreign girls... it's so different from "European style" and he keeps asking about the same problems we have over in Europe and how we handle them. He's so sweet!
Half of the school year is over!
Hello people!
Have been spending the whole sunday in my chaise longue, under my snuggie and ate ice cream. Man, this weekend has been so dull and nice.
Friday was the last day of the second quarter, which means that third quarter starts tomorrow and that half of this year is over. There's mixed feelings right now, one part of me screams HOME and the other part wants to stay. I'm torn in two directions. But I've still half of the year left, and I'm gonna enjoy it so much, because sooner or later, it's over and I'm back in Sweden and to the "normal" again.
Friday night, we went to Carters play, he was so good. He didn't have a very big part, but the lines he had was awesome. Well done, sweet brother! The rest of the night, we watched O.C California and ate chocolate!
Saturday, Lana and I went to Little Falls and took out money for the Florida trip (it's exactly one month until we leave!!!!) with Grandpa Tom, we ate at Burger King, we shopping and bought some flowers for Heidi! She was so happy! Last night we went bowling, and I won! Jippiiee!
You know what's really scary? Lana and I have associate with each other every awake second since the 16th of september and we're sleeping in the same room. This is shown by we're thinking of exactly the same things, today we watched tv and in the same moment, we opened our mouths and said: Let's go and take some ice-cream. That's so sick... and this wasn't solitarily incident!
Now: We're gonna do a big, nice omelet!
Peace out
I have been kinda off and tired the last days, therefore no updates! Yesterday, Lana and I had such an awesome day. We did nothing! Haha, it was so nice, just laying on the couch the whole day and watching O.C California!
Eventually, Lasse came and joined us. Later on, we went to Shooters for supper, I had a big cheeseburger with fries and garlic bread with mozzarella. Nice!
It was so cold outside, we decided to walk (which takes like 15 minutes) but when we walked outside the door, we were so cold. But we went!
It was even so cold so my dry hair turned into ice. Shiiit!!!
some pics from last bball game
All foreign girls scored last Basketball game. I scored in Varsity and the rest in JV! That was so much fun!
I love Swanville, Bulldogs!
The shot I took... and scored!
Lana's #43, I'm #33!
Our team is Swanville Bulldogs!
Day 11 – Your day
I woke up, had breakfast with Lana, Jay and Carter (I ate cereal with milk and a toast and drank orange juice), got dressed, collected all my stuff for school and went to school, I was in school until 3:10 and went home, had an omelet, made some homework, spent some time in front of Facebook, went to basketball practice, came home and had supper (chili with rice, salad, sour cream, salsa sauce and corn), took a shower, talked to some friends on Facebook, did some homework again and now I'm sitting here, watching something very dumb on TV and considering to go to bed. Sounds like a pretty good idea. Good night people <3
I hope I don't scare you to much, future exchange students!
This is a section of what I wrote about my first two weeks at my first host family and host dad Dave!
It was 68 days ago I left sweden, with the American flag in my view. This moment was the moment I had been waiting for since I was ten. When i hugged my mum and dad good bye for the very last time and boarded the plan for the very first time by my self I felt like an adult. I knew I would miss them so much, but at the other hand, I knew my organisation in Sweden had done a really good job, finding a hostfamily for me. So I wasn't afraid. I was so excited to start getting to know my hostfamily, all the students in my new school, the American culture. What could go wrong? Nothing! I had pictured my whole year in my head, all the friends I would get to know and my hostfamily. I was ready!
When I finally arrived at the airport, Svetlana (my double placement friend from Germany) ran to me and hugged me. I was so happy. Unfurtunatly, I couldn't see Dave anywhere. Lana told me he was outside smooking and that we should take my suitcases and see him. He was short, kind of absent minded but seemed very friendly. The first few minutes were kind of awkwerd. No one knew what to say so we were quiet for a short while. Dave told us the trip should take about two hours home and that we could sleep if we were tired after the long traveling we had done. I couldn't really do that, the truck was so dirty, it was melt chocolate on my seat, dirt, cigaretts, smoke, leftovers and a lot of other stuff all over the truck. It was a mess. But I forgot about that when he finally told us we were home. It was a small, old, yellow house. The yard was like the truck, dirty and uncleaned. The first step I took into the house, I strated to cry inside. I knew, from the very forst moment I saw the house, I couldn't stay there for ten months. Everything, and when I'm saying everything I really mean everything was a chock. There were stuff and dirt all over the kitchen, old food in the zink, leftovers on the table and on the floor, the fridge smelled after old, really old food and there was smoke all over the house. I could hardly brief. He showed us around the house, quite as big as my basement at home in Sweden. There were three bedrooms, a small livingroom, a kitchen and one bathroom. Nothing was prepared. One of the three bedrooms wasn't even ready to have a bed in, because he was still working on that one. Jade, his six years old daughter had one room and he had the other. I didn't know where Lana and me should sleep. He told us we could chose if we wanted to have his room, share with Jade or have the room that wasn't ready. We told him Lana could take the unfinished room for this night and I could sleep with Jade, in her bed and he could sleep in his room but we wanted his room from the day after. Told and done. That's how we did. The first night was okey. The second day when we woke up Dave wasn't home. Jade was in school and we had no clue what to do. He didn't leave a message somewhere, a phonenumber or something so we could reach him, the internet didn't work so we couldn't talk to our parents. Lana started to cry and I asked her if she wanted to take a walk with me arround the village to get to know it. I mean, It would be great if we knew how our new village looked like. It took five minutes walk around the town and that was it. It was plain boring, nothing to do, I couldn't see a person around and it was so quiet. Then I started to cry to. I didn't know what to do, I was thousnends of km away from my mum and dad. I didn't know anyone here and Lana was my only friend. I can easy say I had a hard time in that moment. Later, when Dave finally came home, he told us he was at the hospital because he had a heartattack a few weeks earlier so he needed to be at the hospital three times a week to do tests. That didn't make me feel more comfortable. A heartattack? What a hell? Is he sick? What happens if he gets another one while we are here? What are we suppsoted to do then? I had a lot of thought flowing around in my head. And every single one of them told me I couldn't stay there very long.
We told him we wanted him to move out from the room so we could start unpack our suitcases and all things we had brought. But he couldn't. There were no place for us to put our things, the closet was full of his stuff and the bed didn't has new sheets. He said we could sleep in his old ones and have our clothes in our suitcases for a few days. OMG!!!
Jade's mum had a criminal background. She was 38 years younger then Dave, a stripper and got pregnant with Jade when Dave visited her while she was working as a stripper. They decided to keep the baby and they have really strange realtionship now. The mum, named Trea, had been taking drugs for some years and had been to priston because of that. She had been an alcoholic and lived in a ”dangorous” part of Minneapolis, Daves sister Debbie told us some days later.
There were no rules home at all. Everyone could do excactly what they wanted, whenever they wanted and however they wanted. In clear sentenses: THE FAMLY WAS A MESS!
We started school and life strated to get a bit easier. There was finally something else to do when we got homework that kept us away from the thoughts about the place... But then some other issues came. We couldn't be alone doing homework, Jade was always interupting us, wanted to play or whatever she wanted to do. And Dave didn't tell her to knock it off. He didn't care. He just said: I don't care, she can do what ever she wants to do, you two guys as well. Yeah, but now we want to do our homework alone. But that didn't work.
There was no food in the fridge, just dirty, old stuff I couldn't tell what it was. I had to paid 165 dollar for food once, and that was enough. I was sick and tired of this place. Dave walked around halfnaked in the house which made Lana and me very uncomfortable. We didn't want to see a 65 years old man walking around without pants. That's discusting! And after two weeks in the family, I finally got together with Lana and we called our local cordinator and told him all about it. My dream had became a nightmar! We moved the same day to Daves sister Ermina. I like her, very much. She was so nice to us and I'll never, ever forget her because of the huge favor she did for us, taking us away from Dave's place. We stayed at her place for one week, till our school found a new hostfamily for us. The Loven's! Where we live today. And I love it!!!!
This is one of the best hostfamily you can ever think about. It feels like a home, its full of love.
A swedish touch
Me, right now, in my snuggie eating Marabou milk chocolate and watching Teen Mom! Life's pretty good right now =)
Day 09 – Your beliefs
I believe that Teen Mom made my day today. It's an awesome show and I can spend hours in front of it!
I looked through my comments and my mail and put together some answers for the most common questions I've got so far. Here we go!
Vad kostar hela resan sammanlagt?
- I think I have answered this question ten times, go back and look for answers before you ask them. But okey, here we go again. I guess the whole trip, including pocket money, is around 100.000 kr. Maybe more, maybe less... it depends on if you're a spender or not ;)
Vad händer om man måste byta värdfamilj?
- Well, there's a lot of things that has to investigated and all that kind of stuff. I think my organization made a very bad job concerning to that. They were passive and slow and my family and I had to deal with the whole things. It was kinda hard to be alone without your family and a organization that just sitting down and watch aside... But it turned out very well and now I'm so happy I changed! It was worth the labor!
Vilken organisation åkte du med?
- I went with the swedish organization called Explorius, and I can't recommend it at all. According to me, it's not a good organization.. but I can be wrong. But in my case, they didn't do their job very good.
What's the best/worst thing of being an exchange student?
- Haha, Holly! what a quetions! Anyways, the best thing is all the new friends you get and to experience the high school spirit. The worst thing is that here in America, adults treats you like you're 14 years old, when you more or less counts like an adult back home in Sweden. That's kinda annoying sometimes.
Om du fick välja, gå på en liten eller stor skola där borta?
- If I could choose, I would attend a bigger school than the one I go to now. I live in a very small town, and to be in a very small school where everyone knows everything about everyone and you're parents knows everything about all the other adults in the town makes rumors and gossips a lot worse than they are. People here love gossiping and that's hard sometimes.
Vad gör man om dagarna när skolan är över? Hänger med vänner eller?
- Almost every student here is a part of some school activities after school. It can be basketball, speech team, clubs, play, year book or tons of other choises. So, the most of my awake time am I spending in school, in different activities and there's where you get to know all the friends and stuff. It's fun, but so different from the swedish school-system!.
Är det sant att du kommer att få gå om ett år när du kommer tillbaka, alltså att du går med de personerna som är ett år yngre än dig?
- That's right. This year doesn't count. I don't get my "studiebidrag" and when I'm back home, I'll start my 2nd year in high school... which means that I have two years left in high school when I'm back! But if that's a concern you have, don't care about that. This is so much more than just a "sabatsår", you're actually attending a school program and you go to school. You're learning so much more about your self and others, so don't worry about school back home in Sweden, this is absolutely worth it!
Day 08 – Your siblings
If there is something I love so much so there's no words for it, it's my siblings!
I have had my brother Pontus by my side my whole life. We have gone through everything together and he's always there, even though we're not very close. Since we got older our lifes are totally different and we don't have much in common. But that doesn't matter, I know where I have him and he knows where he has me. People often asked if there's a special connection between twins, and actually I think there is. We don't have to talk so much about everything, we just know where we have each other and that's very nice. We can laugh about everything and nothing, things we have gone through and moments we'll never forget. They will always be there and we will always have something to go back to and laugh to! I love you my dear brother, Pontus!
My little sister Nellan is also a very good friend. She was born when I was six, and I used to say that that was my best b-day present. And it was. Nellan is six years younger than me, which means that we don't really hang out like my brother and I used to do. But that doesn't matter, we have had a lot of fun together anyways. With her I can bake, watch movies, go shopping, go down to the super market and buy ice cream, eat pizza at Napoli (the pizzeria in my village), take a walk with the dog, do homework together, go up to grandma and eat buns, read and chill. We're not in the same age or have the same friends, but that doesn't mean that we can't have fun. We have a lot of fun, and of course, tons of fights as well. But that's normal, isn't it?
I love you, sis!
Smile kids!

ASSE Meeting
Today Asse had a meeting for all exchange students in the district where I live. We went through how our first part of the year had gone and what was waiting ahead. I really looking forward to the Florida trip in February with Lana...
The foreign group I am in in, is the best of them all. We have so much fun every time we see each other and today we decided that we are all going to get together next year. It will probably be in Thailand, Bangkok where Ning lives. Haha! Awesome!
The Swedes - Me and Lina
Lana (germany) Hortense (France) and me
Cannelle (france) Léa (Framce) and Ning (Thailand)
Ning and Heejun (south Korea)
The whole group!
Day 07 – A moment
The moment the airplane took off from Arlanda, Stockholm the 13th of september 2010 is a moment I'll never forget. It was a moment where I new there was no chance to chicken out and head back to Sweden. I was on my way to New York and for a ten-month long trip where my whole life would change. There is a feeling in your body you just can't explain. An unreal feeling. I had been waiting for this one since I was ten years old and my step sister Sofia went, from that moment I always new I wanted to go. To be there and finally knowing that your dream comes true, that's an amazing feeling I wish all people could fell it. That moment is always going to be "the moment" in my life and I want my kids to feel exactly the same eventually!
Good morning!
Today Lana and I had a real sleep in. All juniors had to tke a test from first to fourth hour, so we foreign exchange students could stay home until lunch. Nice!
Yesterday, after practice, Lana and I decided that we should do the supper. We made spaghetti bolognaise. Jay was home with us, while we were doing it, and he was so anxiety-ridden and wailing, he thought we should burn the whole house down. But t tunred out very well and it was very appreciate!
Have a nice day!

Day 06 - Your best friend
There's no words for how much this girl means to me!
- I love you, my best friend Elin Nilsson!
Day 05 – Your definition of love
I'm really not the person who can talk about love. Instead, I'll write all things I do love...
I love....
The feeling in your body when you're at Landvetter for heading off. Staying in bed all day watching my favorite tv-show. Hotel breakfasts. New sheets in my bed. Hug someone I haven't seen for a long time. Spotify. When my favorite song plays on the radio. The wait for something funny. Weekends without haves and requirements. Movie nights. To laugh with friends. Lying and talking on the phone with someone for hours. The smell of my favorite food. Mom and Dad. Summer nights that never wants to end. Christmas Eve. The first breath in a new country. Wake up and have an unread text message from my best friend who only tells me how much the person likes me. Being around people I love. Milk chocolate. New York. The 25th every month. Thailand. Travel by train. Seeing my friends happy. The feeling when you walk around town with a bag in your hand and you know you just bought yourself a new favorite to the closet. Chai Latte. Rings and bracelets. New, white converse. To have a lot to look forward to. To party and laugh with my friends. First Advent. Second Advent. Third Advent. Fourth Advent. Midsummer Eve. Seeing that my favorite blogger has updated. Getting to school and meet the girls in my class. My iPhone. To laugh so hard that tears runs. QP menu at McDonald's with large fries and Coke. Summer. Coffee with friends for hours. Play golf with my dad. London. Meatballs with potatoes, cream sauce and lingonberry jam. My cousins. Sitting in the hallway at schooland laugh with the girls in the class. Travel. Sitting on the couch in my basement and have tea, watch movies all night. Driving. All my good friends.
Day 04 – What you ate today
Lana and I have a new trend now. We're starting every day with a real breakfast, omelette with ham & cheese and a big glass of orange juice. This makes me think of how good breakfast mum and I had every morning when we were in Thailand and Venezuela. That was really cheesy!
Anyways, the rest of the day have been like a potluck when the whole family with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles got together for celebrate X-mas again! That was awesome! So, I have been eaten a lot, didn't take a picture of it though.
But here is one from this morning!

I have had an amazing night! Even though it's just nine o'clock, I'll go to bed now. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!
Good night, people!
I love u, sis!