Day 08 – Your siblings
If there is something I love so much so there's no words for it, it's my siblings!
I have had my brother Pontus by my side my whole life. We have gone through everything together and he's always there, even though we're not very close. Since we got older our lifes are totally different and we don't have much in common. But that doesn't matter, I know where I have him and he knows where he has me. People often asked if there's a special connection between twins, and actually I think there is. We don't have to talk so much about everything, we just know where we have each other and that's very nice. We can laugh about everything and nothing, things we have gone through and moments we'll never forget. They will always be there and we will always have something to go back to and laugh to! I love you my dear brother, Pontus!
My little sister Nellan is also a very good friend. She was born when I was six, and I used to say that that was my best b-day present. And it was. Nellan is six years younger than me, which means that we don't really hang out like my brother and I used to do. But that doesn't matter, we have had a lot of fun together anyways. With her I can bake, watch movies, go shopping, go down to the super market and buy ice cream, eat pizza at Napoli (the pizzeria in my village), take a walk with the dog, do homework together, go up to grandma and eat buns, read and chill. We're not in the same age or have the same friends, but that doesn't mean that we can't have fun. We have a lot of fun, and of course, tons of fights as well. But that's normal, isn't it?
I love you, sis!

Smile kids!

Postat av: Junitjej
Vilka fina bilder på dig och dina syskon!
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Jag vet att jag har frågat tidigare, men har totalt glömt bort svaret. Var i Göteborg brukar du plocka dina ögonbryn?