Puh, We have been snowmobiling the whole day today. We went ten o'clock and came home four. It was so nice =)
First, I sat behind Jay when he drove, but later, when I got more warm in my clothes, i change seat with him and I drove. It was so awesome!

Jay and me tipped over! HAHA
The best Christmas!
I had an amazing Christmas!
My morning started with Jay and Carter, standing in our room singing Jingle Bells 8:30 a.m. When Lana and I had woken up we went upstairs where Heidi, Lexi, Jay and Carter sat in the sofa, with Christmas carols playing on the radio and all the presents. It was so beautiful!
We got a lot of presents, I'll show you some other day!
For breakfast we had bacon, waffles, some kind of potatoes with cheese and orange juice. It was so nice! Maybe the best breakfast I ever had!
By noon, we went to Pfeiffer's house and said Merry Christmas before we went to Grandma's for keeping celebrating. We had a really good smorgasbord (julbord) with swedish meatballs, christmas ham, potatoes, chicken, Jansons frästelse and a really big dessert table with huge cakes and cookies. It was a wonderful Christmas!
We went home by nine o'clock and Lana and I fell asleep directly.
I had an amazing Christmas!
My morning started with Jay and Carter, standing in our room singing Jingle Bells 8:30 a.m. When Lana and I had woken up we went upstairs where Heidi, Lexi, Jay and Carter sat in the sofa, with Christmas carols playing on the radio and all the presents. It was so beautiful!
We got a lot of presents, I'll show you some other day!
For breakfast we had bacon, waffles, some kind of potatoes with cheese and orange juice. It was so nice! Maybe the best breakfast I ever had!
By noon, we went to Pfeiffer's house and said Merry Christmas before we went to Grandma's for keeping celebrating. We had a really good smorgasbord (julbord) with swedish meatballs, christmas ham, potatoes, chicken, Jansons frästelse and a really big dessert table with huge cakes and cookies. It was a wonderful Christmas!
We went home by nine o'clock and Lana and I fell asleep directly.

Lana and me

Lana, Heidi, Jay and me

opening all the presents!

Jay was happy with his Santa hat!

Marly was so cute with his "new hat"

Me, Marly and Lana on our way to Grandma's

me and the cake, not ready yet though!

We had Martinis


The delicious food
24th of December
Oh, it has been a great 24th of December, "dan före doppardan" as we say in Swedish. Tomorrow is the real Christmas eve here, where we open up all christmas presents.
Today, 4:30 p.m. we went to church for one and a half hour and then the whole family came over to our place where we ate and had a great, funny time. We were like 25 persons here and it felt so amazing to be among such a wonderful people. Can't wait to "continue" the celebration tomorrow!
So, more about everything tomorrow!
Here are some fast pics from Heidi's phone. Better photos will come tomorrow!

Carter, Lana, Lexi and me! Christmas at Loven's!

Then, all the grandkids came. An awesome gang! I love you guys <3

Lana, Host dad Jay and me

Lexi and Nikki
The Christmas Spirit
Even though I'm not in Sweden or with my family, I know this will be a great holiday. I have been dejected for the last couple of days, more than I though I would be.
But after I had skyped with my dad, aunt, grandma and brother for almost an hour earlier today, it turned. I knew this would be hard, But I still went and now I'm here. There is nothing I can do about it, besides enjoy it over here. It's not the same as it used to be, but that doesn't mean it's something bad.
I have an amazing hostfamily, as I really do like, and don't want my homesick destroy the absolutely best day of the year. I'm going to enjoy every second from now on and have a really fun holiday!
Merry X-mas, sweethearts!

Our X-mas tree! Isn't it so beautiful?
Merry X-mas
Merry Christmas, everyone!
I hope you have a wonderful day, with your family, fantastic food, the Santa and all the Christmaspresents!
I'll try to do the best of the day, knowing that my family is celebrating without me.
I'm going to skype with dad, my brother, my grandma Ella ad aunt Ingela in half an hour. I even got a call from my cousin Karolina and her parents Gun-Inger and Jeff. It was so nice to finally hear some swedish, relatives and talk to them. I miss you all so much!!
Have an awesome day, and I love u all, so bad!
Dan före doppardan!
Tomorrow is it 24th of December, Christmas eve back in Europe and the whole family gets together for celebrating it. I can't find words for how much I want to be there, in Sweden, with my family tomorrow. I would give my right arm for being there right now, giving my mum and dad a huge hug.
Christmas is a holiday where the nearest and dearest gets together and have a wonderful time. It makes me cry to know that I'm here, in America, a whole sea between them and they're having an amazing, cozy day together, without me, with both Julmust and Christmas ham (which are my two favorites on the Christmas smorgasbord)!
But I think, when Christmas is over and the new years eve has passed, it will be easier. I have a lot of things to look forward to, Florida with Lana in February, Prom, Dad is coming in the end of May, the last day in school (1st of June), two weeks with dad here in America (Visiting LA, Miami, a national park, an island in the west indies and New York), back in sweden, go back to work, celebrate my 18th b-day, start school!
As I said some days before, next year will be awesome, which makes me think a little bit less about being without my family right now. I knew it would be hard to be away from them in ten months, but I had no clue it would be as hard as it is. When I left, I was kind of naive, thinking this would be as easy as hell, but I was so wrong, everyday is a game between my heart and my head, where my heart tells me to go back and my head tells me to stay and bear because this is a dream I have had since I was ten. My God, this is hard!
But I'm a strong girl, I'll skype with both mum, dad, grandpa Olle and his Wife M, my aunt Ingela and my Grandma Ella! That makes it easier.
Good morning!

Today, I woke up by hearing my phone vibrate like a psyko, it was my grandma in Sweden who called. It was nice talking to her, even though I was really tired. When we had hanged up, I was to awake for going back to sleep, so I decided to have a skypedate with mum for half an hour before Lana woke up. Lana and me made Frensh Toast with butter, syrup and cinnamon. That was an awesome breakfast!
The rest of the day, the two hours, we have been cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping and straighten up the whole house for Christmas!
Now, we're both dead, laying on the couch with our laptops and listening to music. I'll take a shower in a few minutes and then we'll go and have some lunch at Shooters. I want a big cheeseburger with fries!
Peace out!

Time to tidy up?

FINALLY! Today was the last school day before the Christmas break that has began now. I'm so glad this year is almost over, and that next one is beginning, there is so many funny things that happens next year, can't wait! But believe me, this year has been extraordinary, and it will be hard to make a year even better, but I know that next year will be as awesome as this one.
Of course I will remeber this year, maybe more than other ones, it was this year I made my amazing trip to America, where I am right now and having a great time. This year will never be forget!
It's three days to Christmas eve here, they celebrate it 25th of December, but we'll celebrate both 24th and 25th, so there's a lot of celebration here. I have been waiting for Christmas so long. When I was home in Sweden and waited for my placement here in America, I was so nervous it would take forever until it was Christmas and more than 1/3 of the year was over. And now I am here, have spent more than 1/3, it's Christmas and almost a new year.
This time has flown away with a speed I didn't know existed. It has been an amazing time and I don't want the time to go so fast, because then my year over here will be over very soon... = SAD!
Anyways, tonight is another game and I'm excited, as usually! Before I started baksetball, I didn't care about it at all, but since I have been practising it and been into it for hours everyday, it has become more fun, and now I even enjoy watching it, not playing games though, but to be at the bench and watch our team play is fantastic. Maybe one day, before the basketball season is over, I'll play a whole game, can't promise, but I'll try. My goal is to score once in a game, that's enough for now, for sure ;)
Look what I got from Ken, the Chinese exchangestudent, he's so cute!

He's a fantastic guy and I like him very much!
Nu har min duktiga, söta, lillasyster Petronella äntligen gjort sin sista dag på den kommunala skolan och kommit in på kommunens friskola! Nu blir det en nystart för henne, och det kommer gå fantastiskt bra, det vet jag!
Good luck, my sweetheart!

Everyday problems...
Lana and me have some serious issues in our lifes!
I don't know if it is because we are pooping to much, uses to much toiletpaper or if it's something wrong with our toilet, but everytime we have done something, peed or pooped, it's plugged, we can't flush, and when we do it, it's overflowing. Haha! Today, I had to laugh my butt off when Lana and med tried to solve it with the blue plumber.

Can you see how much water it is? The water wells over all over and we had to take five towels! HAHAH
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
MAAAN, Now we'r talking! It has been snowing nonstop since very early this morning and it's like 10 inches (25 cm) which has falled down. It's amazing!
Lasse, Lana, Lexi, Carter and me spend almost two hours outside, doing snowmans, rode slides and had an amazing time! I love it and I really hope it keeps snowing so we can get a school delay or closing tomorrow! haha!

Lasse is snowboarding


Of course were the two dogs outside, playing with us. The big one is Morgan and the small one is Marly

Me and Lana!
The more you learn, the more you realize how much you don't know!
Good night my dear friends!
This weekend was one of the best ones, I had a great time together with Lina and it felt so nice to finally speak some swedish to a real swedish girl. I didn't know i could enjoy speaking swedish so much as I did. Unforgettable!
When I went to bed, almost half an hour ago, I realized I have been here more than one third of the whole year. I have been here 98 days. That's a lot! I haven't thought about that until it hit me in the car on my way back home from Lina. I was thinking of everything I have done so far, everything I have learned about myself and the culture over here, and of course, all english, since I came here. It has been a trip where I have learned more than from every day I have spent in school during my whole life, about everything. It's a special lesson, as teachers can't teach, you have to experienced it yourself to realize how much you don't know and how much you learn by doing this. It's insane! When I'm thinking about how many wonderful persons I have met here, it makes me teary-eyed. If I hadn't gone, I would never meet this amazing friends and people I have met, and I am so thankful I made the decision to go, and to take the jump, straight out over completely unfamiliar water, and went all by myself to America.
I couldn't believe what an adventure that was waiting here! Unbelievable!
End of the preaching and sweet dreams!
See you tomorrow!
Här kommer bilder från fredagskvällen!

Lana satt i tomtens knä

... lika så gjorde Abbey

.. Som dessutom var på topp på dansgolvet

Molly dansade loss

Tillsammans med Abbey och Marissa

Min värdkusin Lasse från Tyskland

Michael, Austin och jag hade kul

Molly, Holly och Michael

Coolingarna Lasse och min värdbror Carter


Nickie (min värdkusin) och Lasse

Lasse och jag

Lexi (min värdsyster) och Derin, hennes pojkvän hade kul

Marina (utbytesstudent från Brasilien) och jag

Lasse och frågade om jag ville dansa! Hehe
God morgon!
Känner för att skiva på svenska idag, eftersom hela helgen har bestått av svenska. Haha!
Igår spenderades kvällen med filmer, god mat och hot tub. Det var fantastiskt mysigt att äntligen få umgås med en svensk tjej för en gångs skull. Det finns så mycket man inte kan dela med amerikanska ungdomar för att de inte kan sätta sig in i vissa situationer som Lina kan. Jag menar, med henne kan jag prata med om precis allt som händer, för hennes syn på det hela är som min, vi delar många grejer som man inte kan dela med andra! Det var i all fall väldigt skönt att ha en riktigt härlig kväll med svenska och allt. Dock var det lite konstigt att prata svenska, man tänkte på engelska och sedan fick man översätta det... det blev en hel del fel! Haha!
Vi gick upp vid elva, för en halvtimma sedan och nu ska vi strax äta fruskot innan jag ska åka hem!
När jag kommer hem sedan, väntar bilder från Highschool festen jag var på i fredags!

I just came inside after a great, chilly though, ice-skating with Lina!
Heidi drove me to Little Falls where Lina and her hostmum Leslie picked me up and we drove to Walmart and bought ingredients for "Lussebullar", but unfortunately they didn't sell saffron, so that plan crashed. so we changed our plans till Ice-skating, baking and watching movies. I'll spend the night here!

There will be a swedish weekend!
Oh, I'm so happy!
The weekends plans are booked. On saturday morning, Heidi is taking me to Little Falls (a town half an hour away) where Lina and her hostmum will meet me. I'm going to spend the weekend together with the most sweetest girl in the world. Her name is Lina, she's from Sweden and lives about one hour from me, in Onamia! She has Richard as her local cordinator as well, so I met her three months ago at her place where Richard had his "welcome to America" meeting the first weekend after I arrived here. Anyway, it's going to be so awesome to finally talk to a swedish girl and have som really nice time together with her. Right now our plans is to go shopping! Hehe, I have been shopping almost every weekend since I came here, it's an expensive hobby I have, but funny though!
Now: A really cold ride in the schoolbus to the basketball game! Wish me good luck, even though I'm not going to play. Hehe!
Good morning, sunshines!

I'm on my way to school, just wanted to say hello and wish you all a great tuesday! We have a game tonight, so there is probably no update tonight! Otherwise I'll write more tomorrow!
Take care <3

What a slow sunday
Hey there!
Woke up at noon today, I was so tired after Lana's and mine GossipGirl marathon yesterday night. I think we turned the TV off a bit after three a.m.
I'm addicted to Gossip Girl, it's like a drug to me, once I have started watching it, I can't stop! So I had to take a sleep-in today and have a realx day with homework and cleaning our room,which looked like a mess and just take it easy. Can't believe the weekend's passing to fast, it's already monday tomorrow and a whole, long week till next weekend. One good thing about that, we are getting closer and closer to the christmas break as I have been waiting for since Summer break was over. Hehe!
Now: lasagne with the family and after that homework again. MAAAN, this drives me nuts!
Over and out
- Gossip Girl is just genius!